Modern Medical Toxicology by V V Pillay PDF FREE Download

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“Modern Medical Toxicology” appears to be a comprehensive resource that covers various aspects of toxicology in a clinical setting. Here’s a brief overview of the book:

Key Features:

  1. Systematic Approach to ECG Interpretation: The book provides a systematic approach to interpreting ECGs, making it easier for physicians to understand and analyze ECG findings.
  2. Focus on Functional Aspects: The primary focus of the book is on functional aspects, simplifying the approach to ECG interpretation and applying it in a clinical context.
  3. Three-Dimensional Definition Clarification: It covers three-dimensional definitions to clarify ECG interpretations, making it easier to detect myocardial infarctions and artery locations with the support of ECGs.
  4. Visual Aids: The book includes over 100 photos and images to enhance understanding and clarity of ECG definitions.
  5. Organized Material: Information is organized under headings such as criteria, principles, causes, and clinical characteristics, making it easier for readers to remember and apply.
  6. Concise and Clear: Unnecessary information is excluded to ensure clarity without sacrificing comprehension of ECG interpretations.
  7. Target Audience: The book is suitable for medical students, house surgeons, postgraduate students in their initial years, paramedics, nursing students, and anyone looking to improve their ECG interpretation skills in a clinical setting.
  8. Coverage of Various Poisons: In addition to ECG interpretation, the book covers specifics of corrosive agents, irritant poisons, neurotoxic agents, cardiovascular toxins, asphyxiants, pediatric poisons, obstetrician poisons, and more.
  9. Importance of Medical Toxicology: The book emphasizes the significance of medical toxicology knowledge, especially as poisoning cases contribute significantly to hospital admissions.
  10. Specialized Knowledge: As medical toxicology becomes more specialized, this book aims to provide essential knowledge about different poisons to specialists and generalists alike.

Table of Contents:

The book is organized into 12 sections, each covering different aspects of medical toxicology. Here are the sections as listed in the book:

  1. General Principles
  2. Corrosive (Caustic) Poisons
  3. Chemical Poisons
  4. Organic Poisons (Toxins)
  5. Neurotoxic Poisons
  6. Cardiovascular Poisons
  7. Asphyxiant Poisons
  8. Hydrocarbons and Pesticides
  9. Miscellaneous Drugs and Poisons
  10. Food Poisons
  11. Substance Abuse
  12. Analytical Toxicology

“Modern Medical Toxicology” seems to be a valuable resource for individuals in the medical field who want to enhance their understanding of toxicology, ECG interpretation, and the management of poisoning cases.

Modern Medical Toxicology by V V Pillay PDF FREE Download

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