Psychiatry: Lecture Notes 11th Edition PDF FREE Download

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Lecture Notes: Psychiatry

“Lecture Notes: Psychiatry” offers a concise and accessible introduction to the fundamentals of psychiatry. It covers the principles of psychiatric examination, systematic coverage of major psychiatric disorders, and provides insights into management and treatment options. This eleventh edition has been updated to incorporate recent developments in history-taking, psychotropic drugs, case presentations, and practical patient guidance and care.

Key Features:

  • Clearly presented tables, figures, and end-of-chapter “Key point” summaries to aid revision.
  • Emphasis on core management skills essential for junior doctors in both psychiatric and general hospital settings.
  • Quick reference guides to help structure patient assessments on-the-go.
  • Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and case studies aligned with medical school and professional-level psychiatry exams.

This book is a valuable resource for medical students, junior doctors, and anyone seeking a solid foundation in psychiatry. It covers a wide range of topics, including mood disorders, neurotic disorders, schizophrenia, substance misuse, personality disorders, childhood disorders, and more. The inclusion of practical checklists, learning objectives, and self-assessment questions makes it a comprehensive learning tool.

Psychiatry: Lecture Notes 11th Edition PDF FREE Download


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